Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Born Villain: The Pelagius Game, Book 2 Kindle Edition by R.J. Jerome (Author)
Whew! What a book. I swear these characters took me to a wild ride. This book is Fantastic !!! With all the suspense ...It kept me wanting to read more ...http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B013M890CK?keywords=pelagius%20game&qid=1444440995&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1
Check It Out Here !!!.. :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU3OVuRYMdw

Sunday, October 25, 2015
Monday, October 19, 2015
Orphans of The Secret War by Bruce King
This book is one of my Top Five of All Time. It stands the test of time. 50 years from now, people will still find use and application for it in their everyday lives. When your book title has become a cliche and means of expression, you know it has become a brand onto itself.
Friday, October 16, 2015
I Have No Use For A Name Vol. 1 by Christopher John Scruton
This book is amazing to read and you will not want to put it down ! If you want a boring book…this one is not it…this book is pure excitement times 10x ! Impeccable Plot & Terrific Job by the Author !
Song OF The Red Wolf: The Tala Chronicles (The Tala Chronciles Book 1) - (2015)By: Toni Hous
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Santa Is My Friend Book and Picture Frame Set Hardcover – 2015 by Marisa L. Medlin (Author), Kelly C. Melancon (Author)
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
103 Golden Tips by Paul Marshall
Monday, October 12, 2015
Lot 28: A Lucky Marks Mystery by G.W. Pomichter (Author)
Lot 28: A Lucky Marks Mystery by G.W. Pomichter (Author)

Saturday, October 10, 2015
Friday, October 9, 2015
NEWDAWN - REBOOT is the first of a series of books written by Dominique Luchart
NEWDAWN - REBOOT by Dominique Luchart
His chapters are so brisk you'll find your self half-way through the book before you know it. As well, the suspense is so well paced, and he also tosses in so many possibilities and clues to the lead character’s identity into the mix, there's no way you'll be able to set the book down until you read the whole book . Fantastic Book !!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015
he Jolliest of Them All: Santa Claus Written by Marisa Medlin and Kelly Melancon,
to Become Buddies with t
‘Santa Is My Friend’ is a unique new festive book, inspired by Medlin’s many experiences dealing with tears, fears and second‐thoughts as her son sat on Santa’s knee. Teaming up with Melancon, the mother‐daughter duo set out to create a spellbinding new picture book to teach children that Santa is actually their friend. The book package also includes a 5x7 keepsake picture frame, to provide children with a sense of accomplishment by displaying a photo with Santa after they have conquered their fear. For Immediate Release Magnolia, TX – Like millions of parents around the world, Marisa Medlin and her Husband Shawn patiently waited in line so their two year‐old son, Cannon, could meet Santa. When Cannon’s time came to sit on that world‐famous knee – fear broke out, the tears started flowing, and the entire experience turned into a tumultuous mess! While they explained to Cannon many times that Santa is his friend, every trip to the grotto turned out the same. Medlin knew she wasn’t alone, and that something needed to be done to teach kids that Santa isn’t to be feared. After teaming up with her mother Kelly Melancon, the duo set out to create ‘Santa Is My Friend’, 2015’s most unique and powerful festive gift for children. ‘Santa Is My Friend’ is no ordinary book, it’s an uplifting and powerful reminder that Santa is there to be befriended; a warm, a kind individual who embodies the spirit of the Christmas season. “Cannon would spend hours talking excitedly about meeting Santa, giving him a hug and sitting on his knee for a photo. But, when push came to shove, he was extremely scared. There didn’t seem to be anything we could do to convince him that Santa was his friend!” explains Medlin. “This led to sad photos, frustration for Cannon, and Shawn and I jumping into the photo at the last minute to at least get some kind of a smile.” Continuing, “That’s when we teamed up to create something that would teach kids, in a way that will resonate with them, that Santa isn’t to be feared and that they should befriend him.. We’ve wrapped the message up into a classic story that will give the entire family something to read together.” Each copy of the book is also shipped with a high‐quality 5x7 keepsake picture frame, the idea being that – after conquering their fear – children will finally visit Santa with excitement and get the perfect happy photo they (and their parents!) have always dreamed of. With the project proving to be so popular, the team behind the book decided to use their outreach to raise vital funds and awareness for several non‐profit organizations. “We have aligned our company with The Epilepsy Foundation, Texas Children's Hospital and Friends for Life – the Houston‐area’s most visible no‐kill animal shelter. We want this project to holistically be a good cause; first giving something to children that will allow them to enjoy the Holiday season so much more, and also by giving back to the community,” Medlin adds. ‘Santa Is My Friend’ is available now. For more information and to purchase, visit the official website: http://www.santaismyfriend.com. About the Authors: Marisa Medlin graduated from Texas A&M University with a BBA in Marketing then earned her MBA from Sam Houston State University. Currently she has a passionate career as a Pharmaceutical Sales Representative in the epilepsy industry. This is part of the reason why Santa Is My Friend supports the Epilepsy Foundation; it is a disorder that is near and dear to her heart. In her spare time, Marisa loves to travel and spend time with her family, friends and pets. Abby, her cat is even displayed in an illustration in the book. Santa Is My Friend brings together three things Marisa is passionate about: children, Christmas, and overcoming obstacles to reach a personal accomplishment. Kelly Melancon graduated from LeTourneau University with a BBA in Business Administration then earned her MBA from Texas Woman’s University. Kelly has taught in the Texas public school system for nine years. She currently teaches business marketing and graphic design to high school juniors and seniors. In her spare time, Kelly enjoys traveling, reading, and spending time with friends and family. She has two children, two wonderful parents, and a Chihuahua named Ginger. Ginger is proudly displayed in an illustration within the book. Kelly has long had a love for education, children, and animals. She is passionate about teaching and strives to motivate and inspire others to reach their full potential. Contact: Holiday Friends, LLC / media@santaismyfriend.com / 281‐973‐4779

Monday, October 5, 2015
It's Not Your Journey: A raw and realistic look at my life with Bipolar Disorder. Now that I am on this path, I might as well try to help someone.
A very positive and uplifting view of life and guide that more of us should follow ! Wonderful Book that turned out to be the best gift for anyone struggling with bi-polar disorder.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Trust A Skinny Cook by Michelle Pinneo
Thursday, October 1, 2015
College Nomad: A Student's Universal Guide to Budget Travel around the Globe Kindle Edition by Abhishek Kumar (Author)
When your book title has become a cliche and means of expression, you know it has become a brand onto itself.
Future Smart: Managing the Game-Changing Trends that Will Transform Your World by James Canton
Future Smart: Managing the Game-Changing Trends that Will Transform Your World by James Canton
Very great read! Kept me on the edge!!! Finished it in 1 week that's how great it was I couldn't put it down!!! I will def. Be on the lookout for more of his books!!!!
Go Here: http://www.amazon.com/Future-Smart-Managing-Game-Changing-Transform/dp/0306822865/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1442269687&sr=8-1&keywords=Future+Smart+Canton
Future Smart: Managing the Game-Changing Trends that Will Transform Your World by James Canton
Solid book. Wished it was longer, but I understand it's the first in the series. Will be reading the next one for sure.
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