Saturday, April 11, 2015

POWER OF THE MIND !!!! GREAT BOOK by Dave Collins....I buy all of his effectiv books !!!

You can think positive and negative thoughts at the same time, one out of the two will dominate. The mind is a creature of habit so it becomes our responsibility to have positive emotions and thoughts that influence our power of character building. If you want external change, you must first change internal thoughts. It has been researched that for happier and healthy life, we must train our mind to think thoughts of success, happiness, health and prosperity. Water takes the shape of whatever holds it, either glass or vase. Likewise our mind will create the images we think about in daily thinking. This is how destination is created because new thoughts lead to new actions. When you acknowledge and recognize your mind power you benefit from peace of mind, fresh new changing ideas and you look smarter to your family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. The conscious things are those inside our awareness like feelings, emotions, memories or anything we are thinking about. The unconscious mind is hidden from our awareness, feelings and emotions. We are usually unaware of what is taking place. Still they affect our everyday life. The power of the mind is a wonderful thing. It gives you power to fulfill your dreams and to dream as well
